Sunday, March 27, 2011

Ostrich denied

This is yet another incident of Ostrich oppression. All throughout the world, ostriches are being denied their civil liberties. Seen here is a species-segregating grocery market. Groups of rebels are arising in areas of timor leste and Nepal, as well as Bosnia.

A Mexican Escape

Two Banks were robbed in Tijuana today. The man in the red jacket has taken 3 men hostage and robbed 11 banks previously. The dog has been seen several times before managing escape routes for this group of Hooligans. Enjoy, thank you, Come again

Friday, March 25, 2011

This was found in northern nebraska and leads to a port in somalia. The pirates were not  too happy when corn huskers appeared and disrupted their business. enjoy, thank you, come again.
zlatan has always been one of my favorite players. these goals amaze me, i hope they do the same for you. it gets particularly good after 17. enjoy, thank you for your service, come back soon.